
Search results

  1. Emerita Profile: Shirley Badger

    college-age students. "It was refreshing, and I enjoyed seeing them transition from being away from home ...

  2. Renters Insurance

    theft, floods or other unexpected events that may occur. Many students may be covered under their ...

  3. Women and Philanthropy Grants

    On behalf of The Ohio State University Women’s Philanthropy Council, I am pleased to extend an invitation for you to apply to our  2019- 2020 grant funding cycle. Through our grant funding program, women alumnae and friends have the opportunity to provide ...

  4. Youth Scientist Curriculum Adult Education Class- day 2

    that will teach students both inside and outside the classroom skills and understanding of the ... scientific method.  The curriculum involves students in the entire scientific process by engagin them in ...

  5. Env Sci Faculty Advising Forum

    Students: this is an opportunity to connect with multiple faculty from your field, all in the same ...

  6. Lake States Fire Science Consortium's Burning Issues Symposium

    students/volunteers/private landowners- $35 (NOTE: Reduced Rate has limited capacity. Please contact Jack McGowan-Stinski for ...

  7. Ohio Composting Industry Tour

    Association of Ohio. General registration is $40 by Aug. 17 and includes lunch. Student registration is $25 by ...

  8. CNN Hero of the Year, a Cleaner of Rivers, to Speak at Ohio State

    a continental breakfast, is free for the first 280 Ohio State students to register and $10 for the first 120 ...

  9. Disease Alert! Gray Leaf Spot Showing Up Early

    Practices:- Reduce or limit nitrogen fertilizer in the summer. Avoid quick-release sources of nitrogen.- ...

  10. Undergraduate Research Info Session

    undergraduate education. This session offers a great introduction to students who are just beginning to think ...
