
Search results

  1. Campus Prepares for 'ArboBlitz' Oct. 5-8

    said. Students, faculty, staff and community members all are welcome to participate, but must register ...

  2. A Mulch That Gives Nearly A Year's Worth of Weed Control

    latest studies, Hannah Mathers and graduate student Luke Case have discovered some products controlled ...

  3. Summer Commencement

    Jerome Schottenstein Center No tickets are required. The Schottenstein Center opens at 12:00 PM commencement day. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis For more information, visit: ...

  4. Grad student recruitment


  5. Keep an Eye Out for Ticks, OSU Researcher Recommends

    Glen Needham and graduate student Ken Cradock make their way through tall grass, weeds and underbrush ...

  6. Summer Semester Graduation Party


  7. A Student's Visit to Ghana

    A participant in the Ghana Sustainable Change program, Adam Sauer (electrical engineering major) produced this video based upon work he conducted in May. He partnered with an SENR EEDS major, Natalie McClaine, to research energy and environment issues in ...

  8. OSU Extension Survey Sheds Light on Green Industry Labor Force

    landscape specialist, and graduate student Alejandra Acuña conducted a multi-state survey of 1,548 nursery ...

  9. 19th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management

    Theme: A Time for Integration The lack of integration among the sciences is a major constraint to dealing with the complex nature of today’s environmental problems and is a particularly severe problem among the social sciences.   Hosted by Colorado State  ...

  10. Entomology Graduate Student Association Invited Speaker

    Daniel Simberloff Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Tennessee   ...
