
Search results

  1. 4-H Walk and Serve

    groups interested in community service High school students with a community service requirement and anyone who ...

  2. October

    other students, researchers and professionals.  The Human Dimensions Work Group is of particular ... educational backgrounds.  The Wildlife Society also offers student travel grants of up to $500.  Applicants ... must meet the following eligibility criteria: A member of The Wildlife Society A current student, or ...

  3. Coursework

    Specialization for students interested in environmental and social sustainability, including the following ... graduate students, there are a wide variety of courses of interest at The Ohio State University for ... undergraduate and graduate students interested in environmental and social sustainability. ...

  4. Become a 4H Camp Counselor!

    the viewer is your student. When emailing your link, put (YOUR NAME, CIT APPLICANT) in the subject of ...

  5. Sara Fries

    Sara Fries PhD Student Rural Sociology 210 Kottman Hall, 2021 Coffey Rd. 614.688.1608 ... PhD student and academic advisor in the School of Environment and Natural Resources. Advisor: ...

  6. Summer Garden Walk

    Come join us for a garden walk to discuss soil health, common problems with weeds, pests and diseases, varietal selection, and how to get the most from your garden this season. This event is free and open to the public.  ...

  7. Extension Connections

    who completed the program last year and used the lessons with her students said that it was “the most ... workshop implemented the curriculum with their students in the past year. Nearly 100 4-H youth learned how ...

  8. Summer Garden Walk

    Come join us for a garden walk to discuss soil health, common problems with weeds, pests and disease, varietal selection, crop rotation and how to get the most from your garden this season. This event is free and open to the public. ...

  9. November

    help students with the cost of attending. Specifically, PEEC sponsors the Precourt Fellows program ... which provides partial registration scholarships to encourage students to participate in BECC. The ... fellowship is awarded through a competitive application process. Selected Student Fellows receive ...

  10. Coursework

    Specialization for students interested in environmental and social sustainability, including the following ... graduate students, there are a wide variety of courses of interest at The Ohio State University for ... undergraduate and graduate students interested in environmental and social sustainability.    ...
