
Search results

  1. Global Warming in Your Garden? Common Plants, Bugs Reveal Important Climate Changes

    (, an international leader in climate change research as evidenced by plant development. Lilac ...

  2. International Nonthermal Processing Workshop, Columbus

    Program features nonthermal processing systems for healthy and sustainable foods. ...

  3. Rains Arrive Too Late To Help Corn Crop

    season due to the unusual weather conditions. A cool, wet spring followed by a hot, dry summer has ...

  4. Ohio State Economists: Shale Gas May Bring Fewer Jobs Than Thought

    analysis, written by doctoral student Amanda Weinstein and Mark Partridge, Swank Chair of Rural-Urban Policy ...

  5. Some Woodland Plants Are Made In The Shade

    Horticulture and Crop Science undergraduate student Stephen Mulhall found that variable shading affected the ...

  6. Herbicide-Treated Mulches May Provide Good Weed Control

    specialist, along with graduate student Luke Case, is studying the effect of chemically treated mulches on ...

  7. Link Found Between Lycopene and Poor Seed Quality in Tomatoes

    graduate student Gerardo Ramirez-Rosales found that abscisic acid was the likely link between high lycopene ...

  8. Chow Line: Expose children to more vegetables (for 8/17/08)

    research shows that the more exposed students are to fresh vegetables, the more vegetables they tend to ...

  9. Ohio Fish Farms Rising Fast: $50M Impact, New Jobs

    center’s labs to farmers in the field-- or pond, as the case may be-- who use it to grow their farms, ...

  10. Properly Manage Invasive Plant Species at Farm Science Review

    log on to For the latest news and updates, follow Farm Science Review on Twitter ...
