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C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-30
summer. Early reports indicate that the all but one field has very few beetle counts. Based on these ... counts we cannot make a prediction. But all indications so far this summer suggest that the variant ... area of interest. Analytical labs in and around Ohio can be found at the following website: ...
March 18, 2018
Welcome back from Spring Break! ...
ASU Donation Drive
The ladies of Alpha Sigma Upsilon are hosting a donation drive during the month of March for a local women’s shelter organization, YWCA. They are in need of personal hygiene items, infant care items, new clothes of all sizes, cleaning supplies, and any ot ...
Poultry Science Club's Annual Easter Egg Hunt!
From Thursday, March 29 to Friday, March 30, eggs will be hidden around the CFAES Campus and can be redeemed for prizes in the Kottman Lobby from 11am-2pm each day! They will have a 5 egg limit per person. Happy egg hunting! ...
Soil Compaction Management at Harvest Time
we can actually use tillage when it is needed to alleviate compaction, such as ruts left this summer ...
March 13, 2018
Hope you're having a great Spring Break! Apologies that the Sunday newsletter became a Tuesday newletter... I had a series of computer problems. ...
Chipotle Fundraiser
Make dinner a selfless act by joining the Pre-Veterinary Medical Association for a fundraiser at Chipotle! Stop by the Chipotle at 1726 N High on Monday, March 26 from 5:00-9:00pm. Tell the cashier you're supporting the cause and 50% of your purchase ...
SCRAM! Discussion Event
On Thursday, March 22nd at 6:30pm in the Animal Science Arena (111N), the Human-Animal Interactions Club will be hosting Adam Turpen, the director of SCRAM! Wildlife Control at the Ohio Wildlife Center! SCRAM, which stands for "Suburban Commercial an ...
Animal Welfare & Behavior Club Meeting
The next Animal Welfare Club meeting will be March 21st at 5:30 in Enarson 238. We will be covering swine welfare issues and housing concerns. Brownies will be provided! ...
Columbus Zoo Mock Interviews
Attend a Mock Interview with Columbus Zoo on Friday, April 6. Experience an in person interview and receive personalized feedback and advice on your interview skills. All mock interviews take place in the CFAES Library. Sign up through Hireabuckeye. Sea ...