
Search results

  1. IRB and International Research Workshop

    proposals for researchers who plan to conduct research in international locations. This workshop will focus ...

  2. Martin to lead Field to Faucet water program, has ‘ability to bring people together’

    quality program. A response to last summer’s Toledo water crisis and the ongoing harmful algal bloom ... Lake Erie shut down Toledo’s water supply for two days last summer. Microcystin is a toxin made by ...

  3. Looking for On-farm Nutrient Cooperators

    questionnaire about soil management All lab analyses will be paid for and we will work with you to ensure that ...

  4. Water Research Foundation Funding Opportunities

    impacts to water quality and quantity, internal operations, relationships with other water agencies and ...

  5. Monthly Newsletter (January 2015)

    Research News is a monthly electronic newsletter for faculty and other members of the FAES ...

  6. Try out this apple butter recipe for a fall treat!

    officially here.  I hope that you have enjoyed the extended summer season, but I must admit, I’m ready for ...

  7. About Us

    Identifying appropriate funding opportunities Announcing grant opportunities and coordinating internal ...

  8. New lecture series honors OARDC’s Steve Slack

    Research in AgBiosciences will be given by a nationally and internationally respected scholar in ... championed the role of research in the college and also broadened its impact through engagement with internal ...

  9. Tax Planning Considerations in an Unusual Year

    received, however Internal Revenue Code Section (IRC §) 451(f) provides a special provision that allows ...

  10. Ohio Sheep Day

    on Lamb Health and Performance – Brady Campbell, Animal Sciences •The Impact of Internal Parasites on ...
