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  1. August 26, 2018

    You're off to a great start! Keep up the good work and finish this semester strong.  ...

  2. August 21, 2018

    Hope you had a great first day of classes!  ...

  3. Will Persistent Rains Impact Corn Pollination?   In Ohio, uneven pollination may be more pronounced in corn planted in late May, which is generally ...

  4. Modified Relay Intercropping – Lessons from 2014

    harvest dates were later than would be expected. The fall wheat planting date, variety, spring/summer ... summer.) 11.          Wheat may be in flower when interseeding.  This will not significantly harm wheat as ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-17

    Same Not Good for Corn Yield. Corny News Network, Purdue Univ. ... [URL accessed June 11 2012].  Hail damage to corn should be limited Peter Thomison, Glen Arnold, ... summer solstice. To compensate for less vegetative growth a producer should consider variety selection, ...

  6. A.P.E.S. Fundrasier

    Join The American Primate Educational Sanctuary for a family friendly fundrasier! The fundrasier will be  Sunday, September 9 from 12-4pm at 8380 Kennedy Road, Blacklick OH 43004. Admission is $7 per person. There will be food, games, crafts, a bounce hou ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-26

    planting next spring. Soil samples can be sent to some private labs or to The Ohio State University, C. ... Store sample in cool, dark place until shipped to a lab doing SCN analysis. At trace population levels ... Growers should continue to sample their fields weekly for the remainder of the summer. The percentage pod ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-35

    decisions for planting next spring. Soil samples can be sent to some private labs or to The Ohio State ... Store sample in cool, dark place until shipped to a lab doing SCN analysis. At trace population levels, ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-02

    a winter or summer annual, because it can emerge throughout much of the year. Periods of peak emergence ... appear to be late summer/early fall and April/early May. In OSU research, we have observed considerable ... following early May applications. Plants that emerge in late summer/early fall overwinter in the rosette ...

  10. European Dairy Industry Study Abroad

    and 20 students from Animal Sciences; Agricultural Education; Food, Agricultural, and Biological ...
