
Search results

  1. Pi Alpha Xi Poinsettia Sale

    horticulture students. Details:, ...

  2. Farmers need to gear up for more rain

    planting and harvesting, Wilson said. Besides the additional rain and a warmer winter, on average, summer ... days tend to not be as hot, but summer nights cool down less than they used to, Wilson said. Daytime ...

  3. Farm Bill Could Help Farmers Weather Low Milk, Other Commodity Prices

    costs under the new federal farm bill, and more federal dollars will be spent to spur international ... sizeable international tariffs imposed this year on U.S. soybeans as well as on corn and other commodities ... have driven down the international demand for those crops. “Farmers want someone to help market their ...

  4. Corn Prices Expected to Improve

    of corn. Crop prices for corn and soybeans have plummeted since the summer, but corn prices have ... Andersons Professor of International Trade in AEDE where Brown also works. Even with tariffs in the United ...

  5. Environmental Professionals Network Breakfast Program Registration is $22 and includes breakfast and lunch. College students free. Register here:  ...

  6. Environmental Professionals Network Breakfast Program

    students. ...

  7. Center for Foodborne Illness Research and Prevention Inaugural Event- Translating Science Into Policy and Practice: What are the food safety priorities?

    register here: Additionally, Ohio State students, faculty, and staff engaged in food ...

  8. Hydroponics Open House

    students grow vegetables and fruits hydroponically in a greenhouse (Howlett Hall greenhouse). The event is ...

  9. Extensive Spread of Corn Toxin Could Affect 2019 Crop

    COLUMBUS, Ohio—A wetter than normal summer and fall in Ohio led to the worst spread of a toxin on ... and animals to get sick. The rainy summer and fall in the state and across the Midwest not only left ...

  10. 2018 State of the Science Conference: Understanding HABs

    Poster Session The registration cost for an attendee is $40 and for a student is $10.  ...
