
Search results

  1. Dual and Combined Degrees

    Students at The Ohio State University can pursue  dual  or  combined degrees.  This option allows ... students to broaden their expertise and enhance their credentials by pursuing  two distinct degrees at Ohio ... a student enrolls in two separate graduate programs (programs under the jurisdiction of Ohio State's ...

  2. CFAES Exploring Diversity – Field trip to Cincinnati

    center for inclusive freedom. After lunch, we will drive north to Jungle Jim’s International Market, ...

  3. Denmark: Its Culture & Agriculture

    Visiting Fellow,  Center for Food Animal Health,  CFAES Wooster The speaker is a PhD Student in Veterinary ... DIVERSITY COMMITTEE  & FAES INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS ...

  4. Wooster Science Building

    incorporating chemistry teaching labs and associated support space. Lab and support spaces were designed to ... outreach programs by including the United Titanium Bug Zoo and 100-student multi-purpose classroom space ... faculty, staff and campus visitors. The laboratory areas consist of open labs, support space and ...

  5. Spring Resources for Graduate Faculty and Advisors

    the semester to planning for summer research. It is hard to believe it is already March! R&GE aims ... available with a strong focus on supporting graduate student mental health and wellness. We will share some ... insight about our CFAES student population, including challenges we are seeing related to graduate ...

  6. OARDC Develops Excellent Internship Opportunities

    entire OARDC. Many researchers hire summer interns independently, sometimes through grant money. For ... internship," said Stacy Adams, an intern in Stockinger's lab. "This is a great opportunity for many ... offers students a wide variety of internship opportunities. The Department of Plant Pathology, for ...

  7. Accepting Participants for 3 Minute Thesis Competition

    The OSU Graduate School is inviting graduate students, including all Research Forum (poster and ... Research Forum, giving students an opportunity to build on the work they have already done by developing ... opportunity to see what research our graduate students are conducting. Any CFAES students interested in ...

  8. Hope IS a Strategy

    winter that persist until late spring or summer. Symptoms may include: Feeling listless, sad, or down ... and Summer SAD (SAD can occur ANY time of year) symptoms include: Trouble sleeping (insomnia) Poor ...

  9. Safety Through the Seasons 2022

    Safety & Health Team. The goal is to provide seasonal safety news and activities that may be ...

  10. Susan Burks

    working with SENR graduate students in the MENR professional master’s degree and other professional ... include recruiting and advising MENR and EA Certificate students, and managing both programs in general, ...
