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AWBC Meeting
Dr. Craig Harms will be coming to speak about farmed fish welfare! Wednesday, November 1 st at 6:30 in Room 111N (north side of the arena) of the Animal Science Building. Homemade Rice Krispie treats will be provided! ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-14
next 2 weeks which is typical of late spring. Long-Range Outlook: The outlook for summer remains ... unchanged. Expect a warmer and drier start to summer in June relaxing to near normal conditions by August. We ...
3rd Annual Buckeye Classic
Think You Can Judge? The Department of Animal Sciences & the Meat Science Club invites you to try meat judging: Beef, Pork, & Lamb Carcasses: Beef & Pork Wholesale Cuts THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd, 2017 Animal Sciences, Room 117 Dinner provided ...
October 15, 2017
Spirit Night at Raising Canes
Spirit night at Raising Canes! Pre-Vet Club and Raising Canes on campus (10 E 11th ave) are partnering for a fundraising night Monday October 23rd from 4pm-9pm. Remember to show the cashier the flyer! You can find copies in PH 120 or pull it up on your ph ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-37
private labs or to The Ohio State University C. Wayne Ellett Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic. Fees for ... zippered bag and label with a permanent marker 6. Store sample in cool, dark place until shipped to a lab ...
October 8, 2017
AWBC Meeting
The next AWBC meeting is October 18th at 7 pm in Plumb Hall Arena. Eddie Landry, a local barn manager and equine showman, will be speaking on horse training and behavior! He will be bringing his horses to give demonstrations at the meeting! Cookies and ch ...
October 1, 2017
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-20
bins for storage now goes a long way toward preventing insect infestations during the summer. Several ... Probably the best news for those with fields more toward the latter is that most of the corn and soybeans ... Ferguson, R.B., C.A. Shapiro, A.R. Dobermann, and C.S. Wortman. 2006. Fertilizer recommendations ...