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Animal Sciences Academic Quadrathlon
Have you ever wanted to test your animal science knowledge against your peers in a fun, competitive environment? Create a team with three of your friends and compete against other teams on the evenings of Feb. 21st and 23rd. FREE food will be provided e ...
Summer Commencement
Horsemen's Association Meeting
On Tuesday February 7th, OSU Horsemen's Association will have there next meeting at the OSU horse barn. We will have a carpool leaving at 6pm in front of Plumb Hall. This will be an opportunity to have a hands on experience with the horses. As always ...
January 22, 2017
January 15, 2017
Horsemen's Association Meeting
The upcoming Horsemen's Association meeting will be Tuesday January 31st in Plumb Hall Room 102 at 6pm. We are happy to welcome Dwayne Stutzman to present his knowledge and experience from working with miniature horses. Everyone is welcome and as alw ...
Family Fundamentals: Guidelines aid parents to help child with homework (for Aug. 2009)
step in and when to back off. Parental involvement tends to decline as students move through middle and ...
Chow Line: Quick breakfasts can be healthful (for 4/11/10)
in younger children but in teens and college students, too. Many people, like you, say they ...
Grad Student Assistantship
Two graduate research assistantships (M.S. or PhD in Animal and Food Sciences) will be available in June or August 2016 with a focus on using Precision Dairy Technologies monitoring animal behavior for detection of dairy cattle transition cow disorders. S ...
Ohio Weed May Be Useful Forage Product
is all about." The greenhouse research, led by Ohio State graduate student Traci Bultemeier, ...