
Search results

  1. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Oak from Acorn? A-OK! (for the Week of Sept. 6, 2009) Brought to you by your scientific friends at The Ohio State University — specifically, at the Ohio ...

  2. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Any Reindeer Games? (for the Week of Nov. 30, 2008) Brought to you by your scientific friends at The Ohio State University — specifically, at the Ohio ...

  3. Insect's Sweet Tooth Troublesome for Fruit Growers

    fruit." If researchers' speculations hold true, the news won't bode well for fruit growers. ...

  4. Flowering Wheat Turns Attention to Head Scab

    "That news is especially good for growers who have planted wheat after soybeans. For those growers who ...

  5. Family Fundamentals: Lessen risks by preparing for disaster now (for May 2010)

    May 18, 2010 After hearing news reports of tornadoes and flooding in other parts of the country, ...

  6. Despite Shaky Start, Wheat Looks Promising in Home Stretch

    fungus to overwinter here in the state. Some areas saw high levels of Stagonospora. But the good news is ...

  7. Corn Standing Tall Despite Severe Weather

    damage, with some fields knocked down from flooding and wind damage. "The good news is that if some ...

  8. SCN Management Begins with Fall Sampling

    the composite sample to a lab doing SCN analysis, such as the C. Wayne Ellett Plant and Pest ...

  9. Now's the Time to Scout for Soybean Cyst Nematode

    cool, dark place until shipping. • Send the composite sample to a lab doing SCN analysis, such as the C. ...

  10. Millin', Chillin', and Grillin' Returns to Farm Science Review

    and will feature Springfield News and Sun food writer Carolyn Hennigan. Hennigan will provide cooking ...
