
Search results

  1. Forestry Forum Christmas Tree Sale

    The Ohio State University Forestry Forum, a group for students working toward forestry careers, ...

  2. Fall Native Tree Sale

    locations on the OSU campus. He planted rows of oaks by the married student apartments near Ackerman and ...

  3. USDA’s Bartuska visits Ohio, CFAES

    and discussed soil health and ecosystem restoration with faculty and graduate students in the School ...

  4. Retirement and philanthropy planning at CFAES

    groundbreaking research or easing the burden of student debt, your vision and generosity will create better ...

  5. Register Now for Homecoming!

    Cart & Walking Tour of the new Student Success Center, enCORE (Ohio State’s solar-powered, ... student-designed and-built house) & Chadwick Arboretum Tour of Parker Food Science and Technology Building, ...

  6. Ash Trees Replaced in Sphinx Honors Grove

    Arboretum staff and volunteers planted on a snowy Fall day in 1995 with the Sphinx Senior Honorary students ...

  7. CFAES Welcomes New Alumni

    benefits of alumni status from the following speakers: Dr. Pat Whittington, Assistant Dean, Student ...

  8. OARDC announces award winners at annual conference

    published paper by an OARDC-supported Ph.D. student. Research Poster Competition Ph.D. students First place: ... 2,3-Butanediol Production by Paenibacillus polymyxa DSM 365”; Thaddeus Ezeji, adviser. Master’s degree students ...

  9. A Career Rooted in Agriculture, Communication and Leadership

     FarmHouse, among other student groups. Sharp also learned about different cultures through  Study Abroad ...

  10. Innovator in His Field, Supporter of His Alma Mater

    benefits the CFAES student-run speaker series called Citation Needed. Hildebolt is saddened to see ... today's students racking up debt, he said. “I really do believe in payback or pay forward. Anyone who had ...
