
Search results

  1. What you should know about OARDC SEEDS, the OARDC Research Enhancement Competitive Grants Program

    presentations around the world. Since the student SEEDS grants were introduced in 1998, they have funded ...

  2. Stay in the Game: Careers in Parks and Recreation

    that were active in athletics while students at OSU will share their  experiences in recreation ...

  3. Climate Change and Extreme Weather: Challenges to Resiliency and Sustainability

    tours and activities for students of all ages. He routinely participates in educational visits to ...

  4. Survival and Covey Density of Northern Bobwhites in Relation to Habitat Characteristics and Usable Space in Ohio

    A Graduate Defense Seminar by Randall Thomas Knapik, MS Student in Fisheries and Wildlife Science, ...

  5. SENR Alumni Society Constitution

    educational and career development of students in the School of Environment and Natural Resources and persons ... a representative of the Student Body, and non-voting, ex-officio members including the Director of the School of ... or his/her designee.  The Student Representative shall be appointed by the School of Environment and ...

  6. Interactions and Relationships of Road Born Sediment and Total Sediment Production in a Small Agricultural Catchment

    A Graduate Defense Seminar by Benjamin Afton Silliman, MS Student in Forest Science, who will ...

  7. The Plant Protective Box

    Extension, Butler County, at (513) 887-3722, or in Middletown at (513) 424-5351, ext. #3722. News Release ...

  8. GO SUstainable!

    around campus, faculty, and student group leaders. The panels will be responding to your questions and ...

  9. New network started for environmental professionals

    environmental 'Breakfast Club' series   Joining the network is free. Students, too, are welcome. ...

  10. Information Session of Summer 2018 Program- India: Sustainable Food Systems in an Emerging Economy

    Ag Engineering Building Room 219 ...
