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Stewart's Bacterial Leaf Blight Predicted Severe This Year
summer carry the bacterium that causes Stewart's bacterial leaf blight. The disease was negligible ...
The Chances for Timely Planting Diminish
could come later on in the summer, especially if weather conditions are hot and dry. "What ...
Prepare for Slugs/Aphids; Learn How at Conservation Tillage Event
during the summer months is light, the ladybeetles may prevent the aphids from overwintering by actively ...
Horsemen's Association Meeting
The next OSU Horsemen's Association meeting will be Tuesday November 15th at 6pm in 102 Plumb Hall. We will have the privileged of having a PATH certified equine assisted therapist discuss her experience in this growing field. As always pizza will be ...
Future of Nursery Industry May Lie in A Greenhouse
a flat-roof and the other with a peaked-roof, began last summer with the help of a $10,000 grant from the Ohio ...
October 31, 2016: Happy Halloween!
New Opportunities for Tomato Growers With Grafting
cases, having not been fertilized (which is especially good news for organic producers), said Kleihenz. ...
Seminar: Research and Student Opportunities in South Africa
Seminar by Andy Schaefer 3:00-4:00 pm Seminar 4:00-5:30 pm Reception ...
October 24, 2016