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  1. AAEA Poster by Graduate Student Jae-Wan Ahn: Spatial Variation in Housing Market Bust and Recovery Responses: Are Urban Areas More Resilient


  2. AAEA Poster by Graduate Student Jian Chen: Joint Liability Group Credit Linked with Index Insurance: A Dynamic Game Framework


  3. AAEA Poster by Graduate Student Yu Zhang: 4 A Life Cycle Model of Childbearing and Saving Decisions with Incomplete Financial Markets and Sex Selection


  4. AAEA Poster by Graduate Student Xiaojin Wang: It’s OK – It’s Organic! Hedonic Analysis of Snacks


  5. AAEA Poster by Graduate Student Shicong Xu: Does Environmental Innovation Increases Voluntary Pollution Reduction Program Participation?


  6. New Analysis from Thraen and Newton Offers Insight on U.S. Dairy Margin Insurance Programs Currently Being Debated in Washington D.C.

    AEDE Associate Professor Cameron Thraen and PhD student John Newton released new analysis this ...

  7. MENR Project Examples

    a great source of information and ideas for current and prospective students.   Student Title project ...

  8. Dr. Douglas Wrenn – AEDE Job Market Candidate

    focused on in his research as a PhD student at AEDE. While at AEDE, as both a student and a Postdoctoral ...

  9. Research from Alessandra Faggian Examines Job Market Success of Creative Class Graduates in the UK

    the goal of providing further analysis in the field, the researchers used higher education student ...

  10. Why Americans Waste So Much Food

    regarding food waste,” said Danyi Qi, a doctoral student in Roe’s department and a co-author of the study. ...
