
Search results

  1. Quadrathlon Results

    Congratulations to Amanda O’Connor, Abby Ratcliff, Allie Schroeder, and Zach Yaufman for winning the OSU Animal Science Quadrathlon this past week.  They will represent Ohio State at the Midwest American Society of Animal Science meetings over spring brea ...

  2. February 19, 2017


  3. February 12, 2017


  4. You Need to Represent!

    The CFAES Alumni Board is taking applications for a representative from our Class of 2016. ...

  5. Cattleman's Convention Wrapup

    CFAES alumni and friends corralled for a special reception during the recent Cattle Industry Convention & National Cattlemen's Trade Show in Nashville. ...

  6. Welcome, Mr. Ward!

    Adam Ward, the new CFAES director of government affairs, has been serving as executive director of the Ohio Soybean Association. ...

  7. 4-H News and Notes: January 21, 2016

    Dear 4-H Members, Parents, and Advisors, Listed below are several important 4-H updates and reminders.  Please click the headlines below for more details. 2016 4-H Activity Fee Information Letter to all 4-H Families (mailed out January 20, 2016). Activity ...

  8. Horsemen's Association Meeting

    On Tuesday February 21st, OSU Horsemen's Association will have their next meeting in Plumb Hall room 102 at 6pm. This will be both a social and community service meeting. Getting to know each other better while making dog toys for our other furry fri ...

  9. February 5, 2017


  10. 4-H News and Notes: January 15, 2016

    Register Online Now for upcoming Required Advisor/Volunteer Trainings.  All returning 2016 4-H Advisors, Committee Members, and Volunteers are required to attend one of these events.  It only takes about 30 seconds to register online.  Otherwise, please c ...
