
Search results

  1. ENRGP Meet and Greet

    All incoming MENR, MS and PhD students are invited to the "orientation" for the ...

  2. Bonnie's "Buckeye Moos" Update

    dairy youth from all areas of the State. As far as the collegiate level of judging, 5 students and ...

  3. Dairy Palooza and Collegiate Updates

    schedule.  OSU students participated in 4 major contests which includes the Pennsylvania All American, ...

  4. EEDS Faculty Advising Forum

    Students: this is an opportunity to connect with multiple faculty from your field, all in the same ...

  5. The Costs of Nutrients and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    standpoint.  Of course, this may depend on how bad your crops were affected by the drought last summer and how ...

  6. SENR Graduate Research Symposium

    Plan to attend the   SENR Graduate Research Symposium  on April 24.  This year students will ...

  7. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    August. The Class III prices for this summer have been quite optimistic, especially when we look back at ...

  8. Lake States Fire Science Consortium's Burning Issues Symposium

    students/volunteers/private landowners- $35 (NOTE: Reduced Rate has limited capacity. Please contact Jack McGowan-Stinski for ...

  9. Renewable Energy Workshop

    after that date. Registration for college students is $20. To register, fill out the form available at ...

  10. Membership Testimonial

    I worked and borrowed, just like many students today, to pay my way through college. I was also fortunate ... scholarship funds at OSU is one way I can now help current students keep their debt load at a manageable ...
