
Search results

  1. Hunger Challenges

    making a difference was when the students actually came to me and said, ”We’re now doing this at ...

  2. The 34th Annual PreKwanzaa Celebration

    Student Caucus. The event was supported by members of Black Studies (African American and African ... Dr. Maulana Karenga in 1966. Due to the fact that most students would not be on campus during the ...

  3. Impostor Phenomenon and the Life of the Graduate Student

    Transitioning to and thriving as a graduate student can be challenging. It does not help when ...

  4. Graduate Student Dissertation/Thesis Write-In

    The CFAES Graduate Student Support Group will host a dissertation/thesis write-in on  Thursday, ... August 15  starting at 9am in Howlett 139. A write-in is a  quiet space  for students to get together to ... from  9am-5:00pm  and students may come and go as they wish. You are welcome to bring an additional ...

  5. Life’s Tough- So Are You!

    Transitioning to and thriving as a graduate student can be challenging. It does not help when ...

  6. Graduate Student Dissertation/Thesis Write-In

    The CFAES Graduate Student Support Group will host a dissertation/thesis write-in on  Wednesday, ... August 7  starting at 9am in Howlett 139. A write-in is a  quiet space  for students to get together to ... from  9am-6:30pm  and students may come and go as they wish. You are welcome to bring an additional ...

  7. Graduate Student Dissertation/Thesis Write-In

    The CFAES Graduate Student Support Group will host a dissertation/thesis write-in on Thursday, ... August 1  starting at 9am in Howlett 139. A write-in is a quiet space for students to get together to ... from 9am-6:30pm and students may come and go as they wish. You are welcome to bring an additional ...

  8. Graduate Student Dissertation/Thesis Write-In

    The CFAES Graduate Student Support Group will host a dissertation/thesis write-in on Wednesday, ... July 24  starting at 9am in Howlett 139. A write-in is a quiet space for students to get together to write ... 9am-6:30pm and students may come and go as they wish. You are welcome to bring an additional monitor as there ...

  9. Inclusive Excellence in Hiring

    This 75-minute training provides an overview of best practices for recruiting a diverse candidate pool. Although this program primarily focuses on faculty searches, much of the content applies also to staff searches. Participants will examine the role tha ...

  10. CFAES and EEOB Graduate Student Support Group

    Are you a current or incoming graduate student looking for a supportive community during this ... stage in your academic career? The CFAES and EEOB Graduate Student Support Group* serves as a safe and ... confidential network to help graduate students manage the challenges that arise during this exciting, but ...
