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Fighting High Fertilizer Costs with Alternative Management
red clover or a type of vetch, into the wheat crop in the spring, allowing it to grow over the summer ...
Drought Stressed Crops Can Be Chopped For Silage
conditions throughout the summer, impacting the development of corn and soybeans. Some areas, such as west ...
Delaying Corn Harvest Could Affect Yields
a hot, dry summer — have set the stage for some of the worst stalk quality problems we've seen in ...
Delay Fall Alfalfa Cuttings to Replenish Supplies Next Spring
from that stress because of the poor growing conditions this past summer. Only now are those stands ...
Corn Surprises, Despite Rough Growing Season
conditions during the summer, which resulted in severe stalk lodging in certain hybrids, and many agronomists ...
Chow Line: Truffles big on flavor, reputation and price
are black summer truffles (Tuber aestivum vittadini). Their season is from June through October, and ...
MENR Project Examples
a great source of information and ideas for current and prospective students. Student Title project ...
Chow Line: Summertime Corn: How sweet it is (for 7/1/07)
regular sweet corn. You see super sweet corn in the corn in supermarkets in early summer-- it comes from ...
Humane Society Recognizes Animal Sciences Course
shows the breadth of the kinds of things we are doing in educating students from outside the college, as ... students to examine all of the evidence, to examine both sides of the issue and through the education ...
Environmental Changes to Crops May Have Ties to Health/Market Value
said Ted Radovich, an Ohio State doctoral student who is working on the project. "If we can ... a nutritional value." Aparna Gazula, a master's student, is studying these issues in field and ...