
Search results

  1. Open house at CFAES Library and Student Success Center

    Details here. ...

  2. CFAES Facilities Master Plan is now online

    Interested in learning more about the future of the college?  The CFAES Facilities Master Plan website is now linked to our college’s Facilities and Planning page  (scroll down). Or find it directly at     ...

  3. Celebrating those who invest in the future of CFAES

    Estate gifts and the people who make them are part of a deeply rooted tradition at Ohio State. CFAES is grateful to the generous alumni and friends who have remembered Ohio State in their estate plans. We applaud these donors and honor their generosity th ...

  4. OARDC annual conference spotlights water quality

    OARDC’s 2015 Annual Research Conference, which took place April 16 in Columbus, featured 11 speakers on a theme of “Water Quality: Sustaining a Vital Resource.” The speakers included Deanna Osmond, North Carolina State University soil science professor, w ...

  5. Follow us!

    Stay connected to the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences by following us on social media!  It is the best way to learn the day-to-day, minute-by-minute college happenings. Subscribe to the Ohio State- College of Food, Agricultural, ...

  6. Nominate someone for the Food Science and Technology Hall of Distinction

    Be a part of highlighting the success and service of the OSU Food Science and Technology alumni and nominate someone today for the Hall of Distinction. ...

  7. Alumni Spotlight: Dr. Clarence Cunningham

    Congratulations to Dr. Clarence J. Cunningham (B.S. 1953, M.S. 1958, Ph.D 1964, agricultural education), who is being inducted into the 2015 National 4-H Hall of Fame.   An enshrinement ceremony is planned for October 9 at the National 4-H Center in Chevy ...

  8. Beck's Hybrids donates $1 million to support Field to Faucet, Farm Science Review

    A $1 million gift from Beck's Hybrids to The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences will support Field to Faucet and the Farm Science Review. The gift, announced May 21, will be contributed over the next five ...

  9. Welcome, new alumni!

    Welcome to our newest alumni: 340 CFAES Spring 2015 graduates. Nearly  290 walked in the commencement ceremony at Ohio Stadium May 10. The college provided an Italian-style buffet lunch at the Nationwide Ohio 4-H Center prior to Friday's commencement ...

  10. Nominate someone for the Food Science and Technology Hall of Distinction

    Be a part of highlighting the success and service of the OSU Food Science and Technology alumni and nominate someone today for the Hall of Distinction. Established in 2013, the Hall of Distinction seeks to recognize graduates and friends of the Department ...
