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  1. Student farm sprouts success


  2. Deconstruction of a Speculative Attack on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Class III Futures Contract

    on Monday, January 9 and in reading my email news letters, I found these two very interesting ... Trading. They wrote, in their market news letter covering the week ending January 6, 2006, the following ...

  3. VOLUME 20, ISSUE 6


  4. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    University Milk Prices In the last issue of Buckeye Dairy News, the September Class III price closed at ...

  5. CFAES Student Farm: Who We Are


  6. Ninety-five Percent Approval Rating for Dairy Housing and Animal Care from Consumers Who Have Been Down on the Farm!

    during the summer months, making them especially comfortable on hot, sunny days and down in the winter ...

  7. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    have seen their revenues from oil exports cut in half from where they were last summer.  All of ... international stockpiles of grains and oilseeds should become even larger, resulting in moderate to potentially ...

  8. Are Ohio Dairy Farmers Satisfied With Local Suppliers?

    dairy farmers in the summer of 2002 confirms these general trends concerning the business infrastructure ...

  9. The Costs of Nutrients and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    standpoint.  Of course, this may depend on how bad your crops were affected by the drought last summer.  Table ...

  10. Biodiversity, Nature, and Natural History Links

    (Ecological Science for Sustainable Development site:  Man and the Biosphere Program/ reserves) International ...
