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Grad Students
219 Tuesday, July 1, 2014- 11:00am to 1:30pm ...
What are the best ways to burn (or not) a forest?
Jack pines, which are common in parts of the northern Great Lakes, need fire to thrive. So does the rare and endangered Kirtland’s warbler, which nests only in burned or otherwise disturbed young jack pine stands in a handful of locations in Michigan, Wis ...
Engineering plants to help replace oil
OARDC will play a key role in the engineering of a novel plant-based fuel, funded by a $5.7 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy. The grant, awarded by DOE's Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) under the Plants Engineered ...
ATI ranks No. 1 nationally in two-year agriculture degrees
ATI is back on top as No. 1 in Community College Week's annual Top 100 report, after a one-year drop to the No. 2 slot. ATI ranked first in the nation among two-year institutions in the number of degrees awarded in agriculture (pdf), agricultural ...
Keith Smith: 'We are committed to make these positions successful'
OSU Extension now has 12 field specialists located around the state, each working on a specific focus area and able to respond quickly to current topics and pressing issues. A field specialist in taxation will begin in September, and a search is in proces ...
I’m from Another University
Did you start college somewhere else and now you want to transfer to Ohio State? Great! We'd be happy to have you here. When you study with us you will... Explore what interests you Receive personalized advising Gain real-world experience Be empowere ...
Breeder Contributions Helped Shape Soybean Industry
from a high school where agriculture was not the career most students pursued. But for St. Martin, ...
ASABE Student branch meeting
Where: Ag. Engineering ...
Graduate Students Technology assessment- Focus group
219 Monday, April 28, 2014- 11:00am to 12:00pm ...
ASABE Student Branch Meeting
Where: Ag. Engineering 100 ...