
Search results

  1. CFAES Back 2 School Bash

    a kickball tournament. This is a great way to enjoy a fun evening with your family, peers and students!  If ...

  2. Undergraduate Research Info Session

    undergraduate education. These sessions offer a great introduction to students who are just beginning to think ...

  3. 2013 Public Sector Career Fair

    The 2013 Public Sector Career Fair is geared toward students and alumni interested in internships ...

  4. TWEL Marjorie Liberati Thesis

    = 0.006). Although woody cover was an important component of spring-summer habitat for bobwhites, nest ...

  5. EPN Tuesday Breakfast Club on Thursday

    least 600 students will also attend as we celebrate participation by OSU and others in the “One Million ...

  6. Northwest Ohio Green Industry Summer Session

    Edible Landscapes-Jaqueline Kowalski, OSU Some of our clients want the most from the landscapes.  Why not suggest plants for the landscape that can also provide a source of food for their family.  It is not just adding tomatoes, but rather incorporating b ...

  7. Clark's Graduate Defense Seminar

      Kylienne Clark, MS student in Ecosystem Science, will present Diverse Applications of ...

  8. Northwest Ohio Green Industry Summer Session


  9. Are You Ready? Homecoming Weekend 2016 is here!

    student organizations participate.  Parade starts at 6 p.m. beginning at Ohio Stadium and ending at the ...

  10. SWITCH-Discover the Future of Energy

    in attendance and will speak to students, faculty and staff about why we must know where our energy ...
