
Search results

  1. Federal grant funds Ohio State study of plant biofuel potential

    The U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. Department of Agriculture have selected Ohio State researchers for a $1.16 million grant to investigate the bioenergy potential of the plant pennycress. Ana Alonso, associate professor of molecular genetics, will lea ...

  2. 2016 ANR Summer Retreat

    Plan to bring your families  –  there are a lot of activities at Hueston Woods State Park to explore. ...

  3. Ohio State ranks 25th in list of world's most innovative universities

    According to a  Thomson Reuter's  study, The Ohio State University ranks 25th worldwide in innovation. The rankings are based on the universities’ published research, as well as on the quantity, impact and reach of their patenting activity. "Not ...

  4. Nathan Donley puts down roots in the Ohio State ATI greenhouse

    Nathan Donley has joined the Ohio State ATI staff as greenhouse manager. Nathan is a 2009 graduate of the greenhouse production and management program and has worked for Cedar Lane Farms in Wooster and The Chef’s Garden in Huron as well as working his way ...

  5. Student Life

    Campus Life ...

  6. Communiqué November 20, 2013

    analyzing the evaluations of our summer programming. Using (new to me) technology, I was also able to ...

  7. Norton Students to Career Expo and Ice Cream


  8. Online Chat (Admitted Students)


  9. Society Board Student Rep Orientation

    Longaberger Alumni House ...

  10. Honors Graduation Student Breakfast

    At the Honors Breakfast the college will recognize and distribute the honors cords for those individuals who are graduating with Honors with Research Distinction, Latin Honors, and Research Distinction. The ceremony will take place on commencement day, Su ...
