
Search results

  1. Ohio State ATI Welcomes New Equine Professor

    Equine Nutrition and Horse Judging and Evaluation during spring semester and hopes to generate student ... interest in an ATI horse club. "I'd like to help students learn what I learned-- that vet school ...

  2. Valentine's Day Specials from Floral Shoppe

    Stop in the flower shop to place your Valentine's Day order today!    ...

  3. CFAES well-represented at National Agricultural Communication Symposium

    OSU was represented on five National Agricultural Communication Symposium (NACS) paper presentations and one professional development session which included the three colleges of CFAES (Columbus, Wooster, and the Statewide Extension Campus).  ...

  4. Teaching and Learning

    stated that the same instructional methods are still used to teach today’s students that were used to ... teach students from the early 1900s, despite the differences in students (Boggs, 1995). According to the ... approaches respond ineffectively to the learning needs and life situations of today’s college students ...

  5. Rain and Frost Leave Farmers Pondering Replanting

    don’t develop fully, leaving the plants subject to more injury during a dry summer when long roots are ...

  6. New CFAES Alumni Society Board Members

    The CFAES Alumni Society Board of Directors recently held elections for two open board representative positions. ...

  7. ACEL Visit Day

    Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership, student involvement, scholarship and financial aid, and ...

  8. ATI Historical Archives

    materials (1974-present) ATI Bulletins/Catalogs (1972-present) Student Handbooks (1976-2003) ATI Yearbooks ... Student Newspapers (1977-1983) ATI Annual Reports (1972-2000) All ATI items in the Knowledge Bank are ...

  9. Updates to eRequest and eTravel documentation procedures

    Effective January 25, 2019,  ATI is no longer requiring that an eRequest is submitted for travel-related pcard purchases.  All travel related expenses will be captured within the e-travel system under the approved travel request number.  ...

  10. Stone Lab Guest Lecture- Put-in-Bay, Ohio and Online

    This evening features a presentation on the visual ecology of Lake Erie fishes and a lecture from Dr. Stephen Spear, Executive Director of The Wilds. ...
