
Search results

  1. A Career Rooted in Agriculture, Communication and Leadership

     FarmHouse, among other student groups. Sharp also learned about different cultures through  Study Abroad ...

  2. Hydropolitics, Hydrohegemony and Hydrophobia: My Short Life and Times in the South Caucasus and Iran

    dissolution, the Kura-Araks Basin became an international river basin with respect to the South Caucasus states ...

  3. Resume Writing Workshop

    Kottman Hall This is a FREE workshop and all students are encouraged to attend this fabulous opportunity! ...

  4. ENR 3300 Poster Presentations

    Students and instructors of ENR 3300: Introduction to Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife invite you ... students and stop by! ...

  5. Regional PhD (Soil and Water Management) Programme at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA): Lessons and Challenges

    Kaaya is sponsored by Ohio State International Programs in Agriculture, The Innovative Agricultural ...

  6. Climate, Environment, and Elections in Latin America: Can Citizens Make a Difference?

    strategies with a record that spans 20 years of local and international work. She seeks a new consensus that ...

  7. Niblack Begins as CFAES Acting Senior Associate Dean

    faculty, staff and students in every possible way. While serving as chair, Terry has maintained an active ...

  8. Hendrick Headed for His Alma Mater as Dean

    excellence to undergraduate students in sync with Ohio State President Michael V. Drake’s 2020 Vision ...

  9. Join SENR in Welcoming Our New Faculty

    decisions.   Undergraduate students have the opportunity to interact with Dietsch right from the start as she ... opportunity to engage students in understanding the role of planning in natural resources management, and ...

  10. Careers in Water Resources

    from 3:00 until 6:00, or register for the full day as a student conference attendee for only $35. ...
