
Search results

  1. OSU Weed Day is July 12

    that emerges primarily from late March through June and from late summer into fall, Loux said. The ...

  2. A Walk Through Ohio's Forests

    Good, the Bad and the Invasive — will feature two helpful tools for teaching students about nature and ... Learning Tree’s pre-K through 8th grade activity guide, an activity guide for high school students, and ...

  3. Great Lakes Professional Cattle Feeding and Marketing Shortcourse- Session 2

    person and $25 for each additional family/farm member (College, FFA/4-H students can register for $15 ...

  4. Great Lakes Professional Cattle Feeding and Marketing Shortcourse- Session 1

    person and $25 for each additional family/farm member (College, FFA/4-H students can register for $15 ...

  5. Preventing Your Combine From Going Up In Flame

    serious burns, according to news reports. Combines can catch fire when the dry plant material or grain ...

  6. Online Class Improves Workplace Communication with Latinos

    and, if possible, alone,” Pasian said. Students would have up to six months to complete the course, ...

  7. Farm to School

    resources to help schools procure and serve locally produced food. The program also helps students ... philanthropic organizations. Students who attend schools that participate in Farm to School: Eat more fruits and ...

  8. SNAP-Ed

    worksheets, approved youth curricula, and archived Summer Food Service Program resources.   Results Links to ...

  9. Ohio State Tour to Highlight Columbus' Growing Urban Agricultural Industry

    five urban farms this summer to highlight the work urban farmers are doing and to educate consumers on ...

  10. Online Tickets for Farm Science Review Available

    Area that are geared specifically for school groups. Students can also participate in STEM and other ...
