
Search results

  1. Congratulations Bill Weiss!

    dairy cows are fed in the United States and internationally. His research has improved ration ...

  2. 2017 OARDC Annual Research Conference: “Biological Resistance: Opportunities and Challenges for Agriculture and Society.”

    4-H Center, in Columbus Ohio. We will have over 80 posters displayed from Students, Research ...

  3. 2017 OARDC Annual Research Conference “Biological Resistance: Opportunities and Challenges for Agriculture and Society”

    4-H Center, in Columbus Ohio. We will have over 80 posters displayed from Students, Research ...

  4. North American Meat Institute Scholarship

    granted tens of thousands of dollars in scholarships to exceptional undergraduate students pursuing ...

  5. Department of Animal Sciences Evening of Excellence

    graduate student awards, activities, and scholarship recipients; Animal Science Hall of Fame induction; and ...

  6. Parent and Family Weekend at Waterman Dairy

    student, interacting with faculty and staff, and experiencing what makes being a Buckeye so special." ... a production facility run mostly by students. The visitors enjoyed learning about the process of producing milk ...

  7. Putting Yourself in Employers Shoes

    strategies for securing positions. Food and drinks will be provided and ALL students are welcome to attend! ...

  8. Employers on Campus

    a company. Walk-In appointments with employers available to all students in the Ag Admin Library. The ...

  9. UnDIPsputed Championship

    competition. This is an event for CFAES faculty, staff, and students to show off their tailgating skills and ...

  10. Lois Britt Memorial Pork Industry Scholarship

    students annually who intend to pursue a career in the pork industry with hopes that they may emerge as ...
