
Search results

  1. The IRA Rollover Benefit: What You Need To Know

    Do you know the tax benefits of the IRA rollover?  The IRA charitable rollover law allows you to transfer up to $100,000 tax-free directly from an individual retirement account (IRA) to The Ohio State University Foundation without undesirable tax effects. ...

  2. Cows on the Run Entertaining, But Injuries From Livestock No Laughing Matter

    corralled. The incident attracted the attention of hundreds of faculty, staff and students. Public safety ...

  3. CFAES students in Senegal

    CFAES on Sustainability- Spencer Debenport > Read more ...

  4. Herbicide-Treated Mulches Effective Method of Weed Control

    need for multiple applications. Mathers and graduate students Luke Case and Nathan Tuttle plan to study ...

  5. Media Advisory: Ohio State Biosafety Lab to Be Named after U.S. Rep. Ralph Regula Friday, June 8, in Wooster

    June 6, 2012 WOOSTER, Ohio-- The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center's Plant and Animal Agrosecurity Research Facility (PAAR) will be named after longtime U.S. Rep.  Ralph Regula (Ohio's 16th District), at a ceremony this Friday, J ...

  6. Celebrating the Career of OARDC Director Steve Slack

    Wooster campus hosted a celebration Dec. 14 for Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center director Steve Slack for his more than 40 years of faculty and administrative service and 16 years as OARDC director.  ...

  7. Save the Date- CFAES Spring Game Tailgate

    SAVE THE DATE! 2016 CFAES Alumni Spring Game Tailgate April 16, 2016 ~ 10:30 a.m.- 1 p.m. Expect many family-friendly activities at this new event on the CFAES Columbus campus, to be held prior to kickoff of The Ohio State Buckeyes Spring Football Game at ...

  8. See How Holiday Generosity Provides Lasting Impact!

    Wishing to make a difference during this holiday season? Please consider a gift through The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. As seen in this  short video, your donation can benefit scholarships, research, co ...

  9. State of the College

    The College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences has much to take pride in from the past year and important work ahead of it in the future, as described by Dean Bruce McPheron in the State of the College address. If you missed the speech, wat ...

  10. Welcome, new alumni!

    Welcome to our newest alumni: 340 CFAES Spring 2015 graduates. Nearly  290 walked in the commencement ceremony at Ohio Stadium May 10. The college provided an Italian-style buffet lunch at the Nationwide Ohio 4-H Center prior to Friday's commencement ...
