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Growing Apples in the Home Orchard
lower can be cut off during the summer. After one and two years of growth, all lateral branches below 18 ...
2024 Summer Field Day: Horticulture Technology
Join OSU Staff and Vendor Partners to exhibit new horticultural technologies including a drone sprayer, robotic mowers, and numerous large vineyard implements. ...
College Savings Options
graduation with 62% of students having some form of college loan (The Institute for College Access & ... a student loan may be on a college graduate entering the workforce. Starting to save for college is a great ... retirement should be a priority. Only with additional funds, should a college savings be pursued. Students ...
Hot Water and Chlorine Treatments to Eradicate Bacterial Plant Pathogens from Vegetable Seeds
pathogens beneath the seed coat. Cucumber seeds may internally harbor the bacterial pathogen that causes ...
Nutrient Removal for Field Crops in Ohio
numbers for a particular area and crop, send a sample to a lab for testing and use that value for crop ... goal and previous crop; since forages are a summer crop, mineralization of nitrogen will occur, ... contributing to nitrogen sources. Table 8. Nitrogen recommendations for summer-annual grasses Yield goal ...
Preventing and Controlling Coyote Problems
fruit during summer, but their diets are variable and occasionally include livestock. The typical coyote ...
Community-Level Strategies for Urban Coyote Management
conducted as auditorium presentations. Slide shows, demonstrations, and skits are used to teach students ...
Secondary Injury Caused by Lifting
Danielle Poland, Student Intern, Agricultural Safety and Health, Food, Agricultural and Biological ...
A Guide to Corn Growth and Development
and BBCH scale: used at times by the international scientific community. Plant height: used on ... lengthwise and examining it internally. Often, kernels within R5 are specifically designated by the ...
Pigweed Identification Guide
waterhemp seed heads are long and branched without bracts or spines. These pigweed species are all summer ...