
Search results

  1. Alexandra Salinas

    a Texas FFA State Vice President (2020-2021). In the summer of 2022, she interned with Empowering ... Alexandra Salinas She/Her Ph.D. Student Graduate Fellow ... agriculture industry Agriculture workforce skill gap Addressing barriers for underrepresented students in ...

  2. Jessica Adams

    Jessica Adams She/her/hers 4-H Educator Miami County 510 West Water St, Suite 250, Troy, Ohio 45373 B.S., 2013, The Ohio State University, Animal Science, minor in Agriculture Communication Workforce Development- Any- Journal article Bo ...

  3. Narrow Row Spacing in Corn: Management Considerations for Ohio

    hybrids under narrow row spacing. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 12 (5), 661–667. ...

  4. Controlling Undesirable Trees, Shrubs, and Vines in Your Woodland

    summer and into fall. At this point plants are pulling in resources to get ready for winter dormancy. ... Applying herbicides to plants later in the summer and into the fall increases the likelihood that the ...

  5. CFAH Welcome Packet

    Campus Research Library at Fisher Auditorium  - With 24/7 access available for OSU graduate students ...

  6. Mary T. Rodriguez

    University of Florida, 2015 M.S., International Agricultural Education, University of Florida, 2010 B.S., ...

  7. Dr. Annie R. Specht, Ph.D.

    production, publication design, news and feature writing and editing, and data visualization. Specht CV ...

  8. ACEL faculty, graduate students attend North Central AAAE

    Faculty, staff, and graduate students from our department recently attended the annual conference ... the Learner Centered Teaching presentations, the following faculty and graudate students presented:  ... Claflin  As part of the NC-AAAE Research Conference, the following faculty and graduate students ...

  9. Dr. Amanda Bowling

    Student Motivation Effective Teaching Strategies Pre-Service Teacher Reflection Current Bowling Vitae.pdf- ...

  10. Valuable Habits for Effective Managers and Employees

    takes should be internally driven, proactive, and focused on furthering the operation's stated ...
