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  1. Scholarship Golf Tournament Returns This Summer

    After a year's hiatus, the Ohio State ATI Scholarship Golf Tournament will return on Thursday, July 21 at Hawk's Nest Golf Course in Creston. The format is a four-person scramble with a shotgun start at 9:30 a.m. The cost is $65 per person, whic ...

  2. Ag Law Symposium Set for Nov. 18

    Education credits. Non-CLE rates are available; call the Bar Association at 800-232-2174. Also, student ...

  3. Flooding Could Injure Corn Crop

    with current forecasts of hot weather may be bad news for the state's corn crop.   Peter Thomison, ...

  4. An Animal Disease Found in Sheep May Have Ties to a Human Intestinal Illness

    November 15, 2001 Editor: This news story, originally released Nov. 7, is being re-released with ...

  5. OARDC Researchers Conduct First Genetic Study of Bedbugs, Find Possible Pesticide-Resistance Genes

    infestations include a boom in international travel; increased exchange of used furniture; a shift from ...

  6. Ginseng May Be a Lucrative Specialty Crop

    an internationally protected plant and in order for it to be exported from any state, the USDA ...

  7. Bringing Quality Beef to the Middle East with Ohio-Israeli Project

    foundation oversees numerous international projects involving joint research and development programs, ...

  8. Study: An Apple a Day Lowers Level of Blood Chemical Linked to Hardening of the Arteries

    a Master's thesis by graduate student Shi Zhao, and was funded by a grant from the U.S. Apple ...

  9. Animal Welfare Regulations Would Impact Ohio's Agriculture Industry

    the doors to more international imports of eggs from countries whose animal welfare practices may be ...

  10. Study: Consumers Value Safer Food More Than Current Analyses Suggest

    February 8, 2011 Editor: This news release was also distributed by Ohio State University's ...
