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Letter from Tim Haab, AEDE Department Chair
faculty, students, stakeholders and administrators; all within a span of four weeks while our faculty ...
Ohio State ATI welcomes five new faculty
teaching undergraduate students in technical programs in both classroom and laboratory settings. He ...
Swank Program Research Finds that Ohio’s Small Business and Entrepreneurship Environment Lacks Dynamism
policy brief series. The researchers, which include Partridge and doctoral students Mark Rembert and Bo ...
Swank Program Research Finds that Ohio’s Small Business and Entrepreneurship Environment Lacks Dynamism
policy brief series. The researchers, which include Partridge and doctoral students Mark Rembert and Bo ...
Speaker Bios
Fund. Griffin teaches courses on International Studies, Strategy and Sustainability at the Ohio State ... Faculty Early Career Enhancement Award (CAREER) in 1998; and the Ted Peterson Student Paper Award, AIChE ...
Isaí Guízar-Mateos – AEDE Job Market Candidate
development courses. Like many other students pursuing a PhD at AEDE, Guízar-Mateos credits the AEDE program ... interests of the faculty and the students in the department. He notes that he has learned a great deal from ... his interaction with other students in the program – the opportunity to engage with them on many ...
NEWS: Two faculty earn Diplomate status
Two Ohio Sta te ATI faculty members, Dr. Elizabeth Parker and Dr. Shaun Wellert, sat for and passed the examination for Diplomate status in the Am erican College of Veterinary Preventative Medicine. The Diplomate status reflects their commitment to excell ...
Event Recap: The Micro Foundations of Macro Sorting Models
that he and Timothy L. Hamilton, a former student who is now at the University of Richmond, have worked ... different points in his well-accomplished life, a student, a faculty member, a leader and a researcher at ...
Conservatory temporarily off limits
Fencing was recently installed around the historic Raemelton Conservatory and many have asked what's happening. ...
FY18 Purchasing Deadlines
The deadline for FY18 purchases is Friday, June 22, 2018. ...