
Search results

  1. Student Profile: Gage Smith

    Gage Smith, a native of Racine, Ohio, will soon be transitioning to Columbus to complete a bachelor’s degree in community leadership and Extension education. Through Ohio State ATI’s study abroad program, Gage took advantage of two trips to Ghana, which h ...

  2. Communiqué August 16, 2012

    head-on. It’s about sharing the bad news as well as the good, naming the “elephant in the room,” addressing ... the Students “NOSC’s goal is to work collaboratively to build strong university-community partnerships ...

  3. Undergraduate Research

    varieties.  Using PCR and sequencing of the internal transcribed sequence (ITS), twelve samples recovered from ...

  4. McSpadden Gardener publications

    of the environment and for plant production. Proceedings of the international congress CODIS 2008 Feb ... Gardener, B. 2004. Tomato fruit rot pathogens resistant to fungicides. The Vegetable Growers News 38(3): ... cropping systems: Effects on soil and plant health. pgs. 581-591 In Proceedings of the 2002 International ...

  5. Stink bug factsheet for soybean growers

    warmer temperatures in recent winters and summers, more of the bugs have begun traveling north, he said. ...

  6. Landon H. Rhodes

    Outstanding Faculty, as voted by the students of Horticulture & Crop Science and Plant Pathology. Right: ...

  7. Andrés Dejesús Sanabria Velázquez

    Andrés Dejesús Sanabria Velázquez Works Sanabria, A. 2014. Selection in vitro isolated from Trichoderma spp. for the control of Colletotrichum sp. causing anthracnose in strawberry. In: Third National Congress of Agricultural Sciences, San Lorenzo, Paragu ...

  8. ANR Summer Retreat


  9. OSUE A&P Promotion Committee Summer Meeting


  10. Communiqué June 24, 2015

    State student) may use Qualtrics by setting up an account. Read the knowledge base (KB) document ... account. The URL is When you first log in, you will be given a “student ...
