
Search results

  1. Become a 4H Camp Counselor!

    the viewer is your student. When emailing your link, put (YOUR NAME, CIT APPLICANT) in the subject of ...

  2. Upcoming OSU Weed Day on July 12

    that emerges primarily from late March through June and from late summer into fall, Loux said. The ...

  3. 2015 Ohio State University Career and Internship Fair

    Join us for a campus-wide career fair that connects Ohio State students across all majors, ... Student Life in collaboration with the University Career Services Committee.     ...

  4. OSU Weed Day is July 12

    that emerges primarily from late March through June and from late summer into fall, Loux said. The ...

  5. Rain, Rain, Will It Ever Go Away?

    Erie, which many municipalities rely on for their drinking water. In the summer of 2017, Lake Erie’s ...

  6. A Walk Through Ohio's Forests

    Good, the Bad and the Invasive — will feature two helpful tools for teaching students about nature and ... Learning Tree’s pre-K through 8th grade activity guide, an activity guide for high school students, and ...

  7. No-Till Field Day In Wooster

    August 22.  Day of the event, on-site registration is $65.  There is a special student discount ...

  8. Great Lakes Professional Cattle Feeding and Marketing Shortcourse- Session 2

    person and $25 for each additional family/farm member (College, FFA/4-H students can register for $15 ...

  9. Great Lakes Professional Cattle Feeding and Marketing Shortcourse- Session 1

    person and $25 for each additional family/farm member (College, FFA/4-H students can register for $15 ...

  10. Wayne County Manure Storage Survey Results

    legislation.  Surveys were returned in early February and Ohio University Environmental Studies graduate student ...   Janessa Hill, Environmental Studies graduate student at Ohio University at can be reached by ...
