
Search results

  1. A Snapshot of Migration: How one Mexican village is benefiting from its impacts

    College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Office of International Programs in Agriculture ...

  2. Wet Fall and Warm Winter Leave Abundance of Manure Farmers Can Use as Crop Nutrient

    fertilizers, has resulted in manure being applied during summer and fall months after crop harvest, he said. As ...

  3. Nematodes in Corn Could Be a Growing Problem for Ohio Corn Yields

    Illinois until last summer, conducted one such survey of more than 550 cornfields in Illinois. She found ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-13

    2 to 3 weeks after planting and applying postemergence herbicides as necessary. The good news is that ... summer annual weeds, but they can be considerably more effective on giant ragweed, cocklebur, ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-36

    field this summer. The hybrids were from about 28 seed companies with 1 to 5 hybrids per company. We ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-12

    Monday. Longer range outlook into summer is warmer than average with below normal rainfall in the ...

  7. 4-H News and Notes for July 22, 2015

    Dear 4-H members, parents, and volunteers, There are several important 4-H reminders and updates listed below.  Please click the headlines for more details. Only Two Chances Left to Complete Quality Assurance and Skillathon- Tonight (Wednesday July 22nd) ...

  8. Analysts: Ohio Must Take Steps Soon to Counter Shale Energy Boom/Bust Cycle

    to economic windfall," said Michael Farren, a doctoral student and graduate research associate ...

  9. Putnam County Extension Educator Honored for His Work

    students over the past nine years. Arnold has organized and conducted an annual Agronomy Night for crop ...

  10. Putnam County to Celebrate 10 Years of Farm Safety Education

    for 10 consecutive years of farm safety. "We've had over 5,000 students attend the Putnam ...
