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  1. AAEA Poster by Graduate Student Xiaojin Wang: It’s OK – It’s Organic! Hedonic Analysis of Snacks


  2. AAEA Poster by Graduate Student Shicong Xu: Does Environmental Innovation Increases Voluntary Pollution Reduction Program Participation?


  3. New Analysis from Thraen and Newton Offers Insight on U.S. Dairy Margin Insurance Programs Currently Being Debated in Washington D.C.

    AEDE Associate Professor Cameron Thraen and PhD student John Newton released new analysis this ...

  4. Celebration of Students Banquet and Program

    Location:  Ohio Union Archie Griffin Ballroom ...

  5. 4-H News and Notes: April 17, 2017

    Dear 4-H Members, Parents, and Advisors. Please read through the entire message below to be aware of important upcoming events and programs. Sewing Pattern and Fabric Selection Nights  - Tonight and April 24th! For any 4-H member taking a sewing project i ...

  6. Dr. Douglas Wrenn – AEDE Job Market Candidate

    focused on in his research as a PhD student at AEDE. While at AEDE, as both a student and a Postdoctoral ...

  7. 4-H News and Notes: April 3, 2017

    Dear 4-H Members, Parents, and Advisors, I hope you're doing well and are excited about all kinds of fun 4-H opportunities in 2017!  Please click the headlines below for more information and details about upcoming programs and events. Reminder- Tonig ...

  8. Research from Alessandra Faggian Examines Job Market Success of Creative Class Graduates in the UK

    the goal of providing further analysis in the field, the researchers used higher education student ...

  9. Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development Annual Meeting

    AIARD Annual Meeting 2017- Washington, D.C. This year’s AIARD annual meeting will explore the emerging science and implementation strategies of organizations working on climate smart agriculture and how these can contribute to agricultural growth and impr ...

  10. Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education Conference

    AIAEE 2017- Minneapolis, Minnesota Conference Agenda  (draft) Call for Abstracts Call for Posters Register for the Conference Reserve your Hotel Room Post-Conference Professional Development ...
