
Search results

  1. Cherry Leaf Spot

    mid-summer. Early and repeated defoliation can result in: (1) dwarfed and unevenly ripened fruit with poor ... required before symptoms appear. Once lesions have developed, masses of secondary or summer spores ... usually occurs in years with numerous rainy periods throughout late spring and summer, when repeated ...

  2. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Apples

    Nutrition Barbara H. Drake, Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences, Ohio State University Extension Summer ... Richard Jauron, “Harvesting and Storing Apples,” Horticulture and Home Pest News (blog), Iowa ...

  3. Using °Brix as an Indicator of Vegetable Quality: Linking Measured Values to Crop Management

    be labeled as having "good internal quality" by USDA standards. Table 1. Examples of USDA ... soluble  solid level Cantaloupe "Very good internal quality" 11% "Good internal ... quality" 9% Watermelon "Very good internal quality" 10% "Good internal quality" 8% The ...

  4. Bumble Bees and Solitary Bees & Wasps in Urban Landscapes

    summer. There are usually less than 50 individuals in a colony and nests are generally found in habitats ... summer and by late summer, drones and new queens are produced. These mate during a nuptial flight and ... and by late fall, the mature larva pupates but waits until the next spring or summer to emerge. These ...

  5. Yellowjackets

    the dominant species in the state; the other species are natives. In the late summer (August–October), ... to hire a professional to kill and remove wasp nests! Nests Below Ground (Outdoors) Treat as soon as ...

  6. ADHD Medications and Your Child’s Appetite

    planned for days the child does not have school, such as weekends, holidays, or summer break. Recent ...

  7. Cedar-Apple Rust

    infection appear in early summer, following infection by the pathogen the previous summer, when galls begin ... apple/crabapple (the alternate host) in mid-summer. The pathogen then grows and begins to induce the formation of ... galls on the tree the following summer, which continue to grow throughout fall and winter. With rainfall ...

  8. Impairment Related Work Expenses (IRWEs) for Farmers and Farm Workers

    Seals of Ohio. References Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service. Publication 529, Cat. ... Internal Revenue Service. Publication 502, Cat. No. 15002Q. Medical and Dental Expenses. (2012). ...

  9. Rotary Agricultural Mower Safety

    Know and follow maintenance procedures. Keep all guards in place at all times. Know the law when hiring ...

  10. Global Climate Change 1996

    are expected to warm more than daytime and summer temperatures. Thus in general, warming will tend to ... winters and slightly hotter summers. Some indicate that summers would also be drier than at present. Thus, ... of summer droughts could present a real challenge for agriculture. In contrast with rising sea ...
