
Search results

  1. Chow Line: Choose healthful fast-food options (for the week of 6/8/08)

    May 30, 2008 As I chauffeur the kids to and from summer activities, I tend to eat more fast food ...

  2. Varying Soil Conditions Can Impact Nutrient Levels

    spring followed by a summer drought may have also affected soil nutrient concentrations. As a result, ...

  3. More Efficient Beef Cattle Production, Marketing Eyed With Tagging Program

    producers this summer. They expect to tag approximately 1,000 calves per year throughout the research ...

  4. Options Limited to Rectify Compacted Fields This Spring

    field operations in March and April. A worst-case scenario would be a drought this summer. We are about ...

  5. Ohio Corn Yields Take a Tumble in 2008

    February 5, 2009 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- A wet spring, dry summer and a hurricane in the fall dragged ...

  6. Take Steps to Reduce Compaction Before Spring Planting

    time to try deep tillage. Look for signs of compaction during the summer, and then consider subsoiling ...

  7. Ohio State Experts in Lineup for Ohio Organic Farming Conference: 'Sowing the Seeds of Food Sovereignty'

    the International Center for Technology Assessment, on “The Future of Food.” The workshops cover such ...

  8. How Insects (Including in Antarctica) Survive Cold: OARDC Scientist's Achievements Net Honor

    internationally in many studies. The work led to the development of agents that disrupt the dormancy period of ...

  9. 'Proud Past, Proud Future': OARDC Dedicates Historical Marker

    recognized this summer include the founding of 4-H (also part of the College of Food, Agricultural, and ...

  10. Ohio State Crop Scientists Discover Gene That Controls Fruit Shape

    professor of horticulture at Michigan State University; and Erin Schaffner, a former undergraduate student ... from the College of Wooster who conducted her independent study in van der Knaap’s lab. Funding ...
