
Search results

  1. Researchers Take Close Look at Emerging Corn Virus

    —especially B73 and Mo17— was easily infected. The good news is that Oh1VI, a recently released line with ...

  2. OARDC Green Energy Technology Key to New $2 Million Third Frontier Grant

    Li, who began collaborating with quasar after the company established its engineering office and a lab ...

  3. Why 4-H SS

    vital to preventing accidents in or out of the home. Shooting is the second most popular international ...

  4. OARDC Names BioHio Research Park Leader

    support companies, entrepreneurs, government agencies and OARDC faculty and students. She anticipates these activities will lead to ...

  5. Chadwick Arboretum Fundraiser Sale Sept. 7-9

    "As a student in Dr. (Phil) Kozel's class in 1975, Mike helped plant some of the original ...

  6. OARDC Receives National Research Award for Critical Soybean Rust Work

    survive the winter, as well as some unsung heroes right here in Ohio: several students, a large team of ...

  7. Wheat May Be Making A Comeback

    shrinking wheat production. Summer drought reeking havoc on corn and soybeans, along with favorable wheat ...

  8. Now's the Time for Fall Herbicide Treatments

    such summer annuals as lambsquarters and ragweeds," said Stachler. "Doing something with ...

  9. Black Spot of Roses Can Be a Challenge, Even for the Experienced Rose Grower

    and summer. Nancy Taylor, director of Ohio State University's C. Wayne Ellett Plant and Pest ...

  10. 4-H Holds Ohio's First Multiple-Handicapped Camp

    summer softball and tee-ball," said Sprankel, of Huron, Ohio. "She wasn't sure of the camp ...
