
Search results

  1. Link Found Between Lycopene and Poor Seed Quality in Tomatoes

    graduate student Gerardo Ramirez-Rosales found that abscisic acid was the likely link between high lycopene ...

  2. Chow Line: Expose children to more vegetables (for 8/17/08)

    research shows that the more exposed students are to fresh vegetables, the more vegetables they tend to ...

  3. Properly Manage Invasive Plant Species at Farm Science Review

    log on to For the latest news and updates, follow Farm Science Review on Twitter ...

  4. Direct Marketers May Be Exempt From Food License Registration or by following links on "Growers News" and ...

  5. No-Till, Controlled Traffic: A Winning Combo for Harvest Woes

    use of the technology due to the time and cost to transition to the system. "The good news is ...

  6. 'Receiving a scholarship makes an enormous difference for students and their families'

    Creating a setting that could be described as "rustic elegance," CFAES celebrated excellence and opportunity at its 2013 Fall Scholarship Dinner Nov. 6. About 250 guests, including scholarship donors, their recipients, and CFAES faculty and staf ...

  7. Ohio State Hort and Crop Welcomes New Chair

    next generation of scientists and feels fortunate to have educated many excellent graduate students ...

  8. Iraq/Korean Conflicts May Have Different Impacts on Agriculture

    effects — America’s standing in the international community when it comes time for other countries to ...

  9. Federal grant funds Ohio State study of plant biofuel potential

    The U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. Department of Agriculture have selected Ohio State researchers for a $1.16 million grant to investigate the bioenergy potential of the plant pennycress. Ana Alonso, associate professor of molecular genetics, will lea ...

  10. Family Fundamentals: Guidelines aid parents to help child with homework (for Aug. 2009)

    step in and when to back off. Parental involvement tends to decline as students move through middle and ...
