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Grant Writing: An Introduction
Relations Jeff Agnoli, Office of Research Who: OSU faculty, postdocs, staff, and graduate students When: ...
News from Academic Affairs
Autumn 2020 Academic Calendar Changes: Due to COVID-19, alterations were made to the AU20 Academic Calendar. View the Academic Calendar here. Note: The “View My Class Schedule” feature in BuckeyeLink does not currently reflect all these changes, specifica ...
2018 CFAES I-Corps@Ohio team successful in competitions
program to assist faculty and graduate students from Ohio universities and colleges to validate the market ... market validation of the unmet needs been achieved, but our students, post-doc, and staff have gained ...
InterLibrary Loan (ILL)
Students: Students who need a book or article for research and cannot find it anywhere should see ... a library staff member. They will request it via ILL and either email students the digital file if ...
Jill Gallion receives university Distinguished Staff Award
significantly more effective and efficient university operations. Gallion assists students and parents with some ... encompasses a vast array of responsibilities and services to our students including but not limited to: ... adjusting student schedules; maintaining student files; processing academic forms; updating student records; ...
Regional 9:OH5: Nerdology
REgional 9:oh5: NERdology game show Think you know a lot about a lot? Are you the one who always seems to have the answers to your friends’ questions about pop-culture, video games, and comic books? Do you rarely need to google stuff? Then Nerdology is th ...
Campus Information
Campus with a place to share news, announce events and find resources and information. This is an ...
Accelerator Awards pre-proposals are due Dec. 7
The Accelerator Awards pre-proposals are due December 7. The program aims to generate the proof needed to advance Ohio State technologies to the point they are ready to be licensed by an Ohio-based startup company or are determined to be unfeasible for co ...
Kelly Lowe's father
Please keep Kelly Low in your thoughts as her father, Ronald C. Shidler, passed away over the weekend. ...
Health and Safety
providers available to Ohio State ATI students. Wooster Area Health Service Providers: Cleveland Clinic ... sense- Crime can occur anywhere, Ohio State ATI is NOT exempt! All students should have received a campus ...