
Search results

  1. Letter from the Interim Director, Thom Janini

    State ATI. I ran into Jim at our high school reunion this summer and had the opportunity to talk to him ...

  2. Beef Facility

    by renowned animal behaviorist Temple Grandin, the facility provides students with the opportunity to ... includes 100 brood cows, replacement heifers, and bulls.  Students assist in the daily care of the herd. They ...

  3. Event Request Form

    Memorial Auditorium International Room A.B. Graham Hall Bea Cleveland Board Room Multi-Media Room Gehres ...

  4. Dairy and Juice HACCP

    HACCP for 100% juice products. The course has been accredited by the International HACCP Alliance, and ...

  5. Congratulations to Our Outstanding Students!

    2018 Director's Award Recipients Josiah Bale Eric Tanner   2018 Outstanding Students Kaci ...

  6. Revised-Information just updated last week regarding vacation carryovers

    A vacation exception to allow use of accrued vacation over the established maximum carryover amounts as stated in Paid Leave Policy 6.27PDF file has been extended to include every employee whose service anniversary date is between March 22, 2020 through D ...

  7. Calling all Artists

    Calling all artists! A Streetscape Art Contest, which is open now through June 2, will select the artwork that will go on the walls of the new seating areas being installed in the southeast quad of public square. ...

  8. Ohio State ATI Scored 97/100 by Brookings Institution

    to student outcomes, as distinct from predictions of outcomes based on student characteristics or the ... outcomes (like salaries) and the outcomes one would expect given a student’s characteristics and the type ...

  9. Engineering Micelles

    TEK8 Engineering Micelles The student handout will be given to all students working on the design ... challenge.  It will give a brief recap of the story, it will help the students identify what they are ...

  10. DNA Slinky

    TEK8 DNA Slinky The student handout will be given to all students working on the design challenge. ...  It will give a brief recap of the story, it will help the students identify what they are attempting ...
