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ANR Summer Retreat
National Centennial News
Smith-Lever Act (May 8, 1914) An act signed (by President Woodrow Wilson)... "to aid in diffusing among the people of the United States useful and practical information on subjects relating to agriculture, uses of solar energy with respect to agricul ...
Communiqué August 28, 2013
students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends. Please share your ideas through the presidential search ...
Joint CARET/AHS Summer Meeting
Communiqué December 7, 2012
community, faculty, staff, students, and/or other customers at an awards luncheon ceremony in May 2013. Each ...
Communiqué March 13, 2013
for OSU faculty and staff, with students invited to attend for free; continental breakfast, lunch, and ...
Communiqué April 30, 2014
Thomas, and their team of students work diligently with Keith, Extension administration, and CFAES ...
Communiqué February 18, 2011
faculty, staff and students are committed to each other. Community: CFAES offers a sense of belonging for ...
Communiqué November 7, 2012
mail or answering machine message also); utilizing volunteers to keep the office open; using students ...
In Memoriam
Mike McFrederick- Mike McFrederick, 51, died at home Sept. 6, 2015, following a long illness. Mike was a 1985 graduate of Ohio State ATI and worked as a project manager for Patti Group of Novelty, Ohio. McFrederick, his parents Roger and Janice (nee Sooy) ...