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  1. Small Ruminant Production: Are CIDRs Reusable?

    New Zealand during the late 1980s, a controlled internal drug release (CIDR) was developed and ... Using Previously Used Controlled Internal Drug Release (CIDR) Insert on the Reproductive Performance, ... and A. N. Alowaimer. 2019. “Effects of Long-term Controlled Internal Drug Release Reuse on ...

  2. Farming with Lower Extremity Amputation

    Danielle Poland, Student Intern, Agricultural Safety and Health, Food, Agricultural and Biological ...

  3. Abate Animal Heat Stress in Hot Weather

    modification and an energy-intensive diet can be used to reduce animal internal heat production. Increasing ... water intake can help animals lose internal heat.  This fact sheet focuses on engineering management ... the housing areas (MWPS 32, MWPS 33 and MWPS 34). In summer, the maximum ventilation rate is needed to ...

  4. Periodical and "Dog-Day" Cicadas

    distribution (Figure 1). The "dog-day," or annual cicadas, appear during the long summer days of July ... and August. These cicadas have two- to five-year life cycles, but adults appear every summer.  Figure ... delay planting until late summer or fall, after the adult cicadas have died. Cultural Control: Prevent ...

  5. Fleas

    a veterinarian and a licensed professional pest control operator be consulted or hired, as both have the ... Treat outdoor areas frequented by pets during the summer months. Animal pens, kennels, doghouses, ...

  6. The Organic Certification Process for Crops

    certification requirements? Is the certifying organization accredited beyond the NOP by international ... certification bodies, such as the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM)? What are ... information about the certification process, and a complete list of domestic and international certifying ...

  7. Slugs on Field Crops

    Quality Associate, Ohio State University Extension Kelley Tilmon, PhD, Professor of Entomology, The Ohio ... during the summer. By the fall, most gray garden slugs have completed development and are capable of ... in spring and early summer. Warm April and early May days are the time to determine if slugs are ...

  8. Promising Practices and Benefits of 4-H Members Saying Thank You

    generosity, I was able to attend 4-H camp this summer. This would not have been possible without your support. ...

  9. Improving Biomass Properties via Densification and Upgrading

    transportation over longer distances or biomass that is sold in international markets. Thus, biomass ... of the International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (CIGR) 1–10. Quebec City, ... Canada. veic. n.d.  “BERC wins USDA funding to develop woodchip heating fuel quality standard.” News ...

  10. Sooty Blotch and Fly Speck of Apple

    spring, rains in late summer, and low temperatures in early fall. Symptoms Sooty Blotch Brown to dull ... late summer rains and low temperatures in early fall. Under ideal conditions, the incubation period ...
