
Search results

  1. Open House with the Assistant Dean

    encourage faculty, staff, and students who want to engage with Dr. Lechman – regardless if you already know ...

  2. Research News- June 2019

    The June 2019 edition of Research News, the College's monthly newsletter for grant writing ...

  3. Faculty Positions

    members, enrolls nearly 3,200 undergraduate students and 500 graduate students on the Columbus and Wooster ... campuses. These students take courses and/or conduct research in one or more of the nine academic units in ... where students participate in a curriculum that includes general and basic studies, hands-on experience, ...

  4. Managing Motivation as a Student in the Time of COVID-19

    Are you a student struggling to stay motivated due to the dramatic changes caused by the COVID-19 ... how COVID-19 is challenging mood and motivation for many students during this “temporary new normal”. ... There will be a brief presentation about motivation, an overview of common challenges graduate students ...

  5. The Second Pandemic: Understanding and Challenging the Rise in Anti-Asian Racism in the Wake of COVID-19

    Office of Student Life Multicultural Center, The Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity and ... Antoun  (she/her), Intercultural Specialist for Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) Student ... Intiatives, Multicultural Center Office of Student Life Lena Tenney  (they/them), Coordinator of Public ...

  6. What Does It Mean to Serve Latinx Students?

    culture and equitable outcomes for Latinx students? Need accommodations? If you have a disability and ...

  7. Research News- April 2019

    The April 2019 edition of Research News, the College's monthly newsletter for grant writing ...

  8. Funding

    Funding Agency: International Atomic Engergy Agency, Vienna, Austria Rural Development ... Wooster, OSU BBSRC-Gates Foundation: Sustainable Crop Production Research for International Development ...

  9. We're Not Your Model: Dismantling the Asian Model Minority Myth

    This workshop is open to all undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and staff of the Ohio ... function, one that is far from complimentary. Join Sophia Antoun, Intercultural Specialit for APIDA Student ...

  10. Trans 101

    Please join us a for an interactive and engaging training on supporting transgender students and ...
