
Search results

  1. February is United Black World Month

    The Ohio State Student Life Center for Belonging and Social Change (formerly the Multicultural ...

  2. Renew or Activate Adobe Creative Cloud Access by Feb. 7

    Adobe Creative Cloud access is available for free to all Ohio State staff, faculty, and students ...

  3. Partnership promotes DEI for SNAP-Ed staff

    Partnership promotes DEI for SNAP-Ed staff Over the summer, OSU Extension and the Office of ...

  4. Reminder – University Outreach and Engagement Award Nominations are due Today

    Outreach and Engagement Awards, which honor faculty, staff, students and community partners for outstanding ...

  5. University Distinguished Diversity Enhancement Award Nominations due by Jan. 27

    students, student organizations, and alumni can nominate their colleagues and peers. Each recipient receives ...

  6. 2023 CFAES Spirit of the Land Award Nominations due by Jan. 23

    research, collaboration and engagement, students as co-creators, lifespan learning and future perspective. ... The award is open to CFAES faculty, staff, graduate and undergraduate students, alumni, and external ...

  7. Reactivate ECM in Workday

    COMMITTEE: click 3 lines and choose “Expenses for Guests and Students”(usually). In ECM table of possible ... Committee box to bring up and select “Expenses for Guests and Students”(and be sure that the radio button ...

  8. Quarterly IT Billing INFO

    done internally and not through the normal quarterly billing process) If you believe someone is ...

  9. Partnership Promotes DEI Workshops for SNAP-Ed Staff

    During summer 2022, OSU Extension and the Office of Outreach and Engagement partnered to bring ...

  10. Internal Registration Guidance

    When an internal meeting/inservice/conference will charge a fee to attendees and those attendees ... recommends host departments do not require individuals to process requisitions for internal registrations, or ...
