
Search results

  1. Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference

    information about the feeding of dairy cattle to the industry. Undergraduate students are encouraged to apply ... offers special opportunities for students to network with students from other universities and ...

  2. April 20th: Pork Prospect Leadership Event

    Industry.  Our program is tailored for both high school students and undergraduates, offering an exciting ...

  3. Janna Thompson-Chordas

    advisors to provide student-focused events and opportunities and connections to resources. She assists with ... students.  Janna is a mom of three awesome kids and lives in Grandview Heights. jmtc_resume_20231201.pdf- ...

  4. Spring Forage Establishment

    is worth considering pushing alfalfa establishment to the late summer planting window and applying ... windows). Timely planting allows for forages to be established before the environmental stresses of summer ... delayed, consider planting a summer annual and waiting to establish a perennial forage in August.  With the ...

  5. Highlighting Research: 7 Student, Faculty & Staff researchers and the questions they are answering

    and world. In honor of “Celebration of Research Week” at Ohio State, we’ve highlighted seven student ... preference, and the influence of human-animal interactions on the mental health of college students.   Carolyn ...

  6. Erika Wright

    Erika Wright Graduate Student, Gardiner Lab, Environmental Sciences Graduate Program ... Charlotte, NC as a research intern, working closely with the lab entomologists. During her master’s, she ... ecology and pest management in the two summers she spent at the Bartlett Tree Research Laboratory in ...

  7. Dr. Sandra (Sandy) Velleman retires following three decades of industry leadership

    Ohio State University in March of 2024, following thirty years of service to our students, faculty, and ... department and students over the years. Dr.  Velleman started her undergraduate career like many in animal ... She has impacted the lives of hundreds of students in her advising and teaching roles. Velleman notes ...

  8. ASCA Applications

    Here is a friendly reminder that the application for our undergraduate student leadership ... (ASCA) is involved in the recruitment of high school students, peer mentorship through the ANIM SCI 1100 ... ANSCI Faculty-Student Winter Mixer. If you’re passionate about making a difference in the community ...

  9. Dr. Stephen Boyles retires following decades of impact on beef producers nationwide

    State University in March of 2024, following thirty plus years of service to our students, faculty, and ... thousands of students. He worked with many young people with backgrounds in production agriculture and ... in Columbus. As an educator, Boyles was known for spurring lively discussion and encouraging students ...

  10. CFAES Fee Listing

    Please follow the link below to access pricing information and fee schedules for internal service ...
