
Search results

  1. ENG 110.01 Baxstrom

    Nations Development Program Scaling Up Nutrition USAID US Agency for International Development World Bank ...

  2. Jill Gallion receives university Distinguished Staff Award

    significantly more effective and efficient university operations. Gallion assists students and parents with some ... encompasses a vast array of responsibilities and services to our students including but not limited to: ... adjusting student schedules; maintaining student files; processing academic forms; updating student records; ...

  3. CABLE Student Delegate Spotlight: Tannon Daugaard

    to continue my career in." Tannon Daugaard is the CABLE Student Delegate from Iowa State ... desires in employees and what other universities do to prepare their students for potential bioeconomy ... careers. I hope to use this knowledge not only to mentor future students but also to potentially ...

  4. Professional development opportunities

    three educational opportunities this summer that focus on Professional Development. The second will be ...

  5. WW Virtual Group for Wooster Campus

    Weight Watchers  now has a virtual group that is only Ohio State Employees.  ...

  6. Knowledge Exchange (KX) has launched

    It’s here! The Knowledge Exchange (KX) has launched a data and communications platform:  The site offers research translations in four topic “buckets”: Data and Tools, Environment and Natural Resources, Food and Agriculture, and People and Co ...

  7. First orientation session in the books

    a hitch (well, maybe a few minor hitches). A total of 183 students attended over three days, which were ...

  8. Plagiarism Help

    Student Handbook and OSU's Code of Student Conduct. A video entitled "Academic Misconduct and ... Plagiarism" is now available online in the Knowledge Bank. This video provides an opportunity for students and ... way students commit plagiarism and violate the Code of Student Conduct in a course is turning in work ...

  9. Hoof-n-Hide Club

    students on campus must do is create a team and come out and enjoy the fun! Snow Trails: This is a function ...

  10. Workday Status Report

    Remember, Workday Finance is going live January 7, 2021. There are a number of things you can do to familiarize yourself with changes. ...
